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Infection Control Policy & Procedure

Bijou nursery uses infection control to minimise the risk of infection within the nursery by ensuring that the highest hygiene standards are maintained. All of our staff are aware that they have a responsibility to ensure that they put these procedures into practice. 


  • Staff encourage the children to learn about good personal hygiene through their daily routine and through play activities relating to healthy living.  

  • We ensure that supplies of soap, anti-bacterial hand gel, paper towels, tissues, disposable gloves, aprons and anti-bacterial cleaning agents are readily available. 

  • We particularly encourage good hand hygiene throughout the nursery as we acknowledge that it is the single most important practice in reducing the spread of infection. Hand hygiene posters are displayed throughout the nursery. The children are actively encouraged to wash their hands properly by staff setting a good example and also showing the children what to do. This helps to ensure that proper hand washing becomes a lifelong habit. Even our babies have their hands washed after nappy changing and before mealtimes to get them used to the hand-washing routine and using the happy birthday song with children to know acceptable amount of time to wash.  



Hand washing:


It is essential that staff and children wash and dry their hands frequently and thoroughly. Please follow the hand washing routine poster displayed in all toilets and encourage the children to do the same. 

Hands must always be washed and dried after: 


  • using the toilet

  • coughing  

  • wiping runny noses or your own

  • sneezing

  • coming in from outdoors

  • being in contact with animals

  • handling rubbish

  • Before eating or handling food.


If staff are unable to leave the playroom to wash their hands, anti-bacterial gel may be used as a temporary measure only. Hands must be washed as soon as possible thereafter.  



Personal hygiene:


All staff should be neat and tidy with high standards of personal hygiene. When working with children, health and safety is paramount, so:  


  • long hair should be tied back;  

  • nails kept clean, short and varnish-free;  

  • no excessive jewellery  

  • facial piercings should be removed  

  • if ears are pierced, studs should be worn for health safety

  • clothing should be clean and ironed as appropriate  



Toilets Staff must:


  • supervise children in the toilet areas at all times  

  • explain to children in a manner appropriate to their age and stage that it is  important to keep the toilet area clean 

  • ensure that children flush the toilets and wash their hands

  • keep the toilet area clean and tidy throughout the day, check toilet pans regularly and if necessary clean using spray bottles filled with disinfectant spray and blue/white roll wearing  gloves and apron, also clean flush handles, taps, door handles and  any other hand contact sites regularly and PPE changed after every use and only worn in toilet areas.

  • disposable aprons and gloves to be worn when assisting a child at the toilet.bins emptied, lids cleaned* and new bin liners inserted  

  • towel dispenser refilled 

  • supplies of toilet rolls and soap checked and topped up if necessary 

  • sinks cleaned by disinfectant spray

  • changing mat cleaned by disinfectant spray after every use and end of day

  • worktop under changing mat cleaned by disinfectant spray  

  • toilets cleaned by disinfectant spray

  • on Friday evening bleach/ toilet cleaner poured into pan– flush first thing on Monday morning 

  • floor mopped.  





  • food, including snack, should always be presented to children on a plate or in a bowl  even younger children

  • as food invariably ends up on the tray or table, these surfaces should be cleaned properly by  spraying soapy water before the children sit down  and should be wiped between meal and desert.

  • children should not share food or utensils at mealtimes

  • if a child drops their utensils on the floor then clean ones should be given 

  • after meals/snacks children‘s hands and faces should be wiped with an individual  face cloth rinsed in warm water  

  • face cloths are for single use only and must be washed on boil wash before re-use  

  • after meals/snacks tables and chairs should be cleaned by spraying soapy water.  

  • Floor to be cleaned and area to be set up ready for after meal and snack times.





  • Nappy changing requires good hygiene procedures – it provides an ideal opportunity for germs to be transmitted to the baby, to staff and to the surrounding area 

  • ensure that you have all the equipment you need before you begin  

  • disposable gloves and aprons must be worn at all times when changing nappies and  discarded after each use  

  • A clean apron and gloves must be used for each change  

  • protect the changing mat with paper roll  

  • paper roll must be discarded after each use

  • mats with torn waterproof coverings must not be used – notify the Nursery  Manager who will provide a new mat and discard the old one  

  • never leave a child alone on the changing worktop  

  • never share nappy cream  

  • don’t use fingers to remove cream from containers – use the disposable gloves  provided which must be discarded

  • do not come out of the toilet area wearing apron/gloves to avoid cross contamination

  • dirty nappies must be double bagged

  • dispose of your gloves and apron once a clean nappy is on

  • all children must wash their hands after nappy changing

  • All changing surfaces that is soiled must be cleaned with spray bottles filled with soapy water and disinfected

  • staff must wash their hands thoroughly after changing each nappy

  • Even if there is no apparent need arising from soiling, all babies, mobile and non-mobile, must wash their hands/have their hands washed after nappy changing to promote the hand-washing routine.


Staff must use their knowledge of the child and make a professional judgement regarding how best to do this with a non-mobile baby and assist children with this.



Changing sick/soiled children:


If a child has been very sick or soiled and needs to be changed:


  • put on disposable gloves and apron

  • take the child to the nearest toilet area

  • remove soiled clothing

  • wash child as appropriate with warm water using a disposable cloth and dress in clean clothes

  • all soiled clothing must be immediately double-bagged using nappy sacks/carrier bags and tied tightly at the top to seal (child’s name on the outside and given home to the parents)

  • discard all disposables

  • wash and dry your hands

  • Spills should be cleaned up immediately and contaminated hard surfaces cleaned with disinfectant spray

  • Hard floors should be mopped at least weekly using disinfectant solution

  • Playroom rugs/carpets should be vacuumed daily and shampooed regularly as appropriate.




Eating Areas:


  • Table tops and trays to be washed with hot, soapy water and wiped dry after each use.

  • Food spills on chairs to be cleaned after each meal/snack using soapy water spray

  • Chairs to be thoroughly cleaned, i.e. scrubbed with hot soapy water weekly




Toy/equipment cleaning:


  • soft toys, bouncy chair top covers to be machine washed as required and at least weekly• rugs and cushions to be machine washed as required and at least weekly




Hard/plastic toys:


  • wash in hot, soapy water using a designated brush as frequently as practical and when visibly soiled

  • rinse and thoroughly dry

  • please ensure that toys containing small holes are dry before the children play with them

  • toys that cannot be washed, rinsed and dried must be cleaned with soapy water using white roll, it is vitally important that each toy is dried thoroughly as wet, moist areas are breeding grounds for germs

  • soft toys must be laundered in the washing machine

  • all toys to be stored in a clean container or cupboard

  • water play toys should be dried after each use

  • discourage older children from putting shared toys in their mouths and should be cleaned if toys have been in children’s mouths.




Spillages of body fluids:


  • act immediately

  • wear disposable gloves and an apron

  • use disposable towels/paper roll to wipe up the spill and discard in a plastic bag

  • use soapy water, disinfectant and a disposable cloth such as blue roll to clean all contaminated surfaces and clear into aplastic bag for disposal

  • double bag all disposables and put into outside bin

  • wash and dry your hands

  • Ensure areas are deep cleaned to reduce cross contamination risk




Outdoor play:


  • Area to be checked for cleanliness including animal contamination before children go outside – any animal contamination must be reported to the manager immediately who will deal with it appropriately

  • Small outdoor toys contaminated with body fluids to be washed in soapy water, and thoroughly dried

  • Large outdoor toys to be stored and cleaned as for small toys

  • Outdoor shoes/wellies to be removed before coming into inside areas

  • Staff and children to wash and dry hands thoroughly after boots, jackets, etc. have been removed






  • If a child comes into contact with an animal, e.g. pats a dog while out on a walk, the child should use anti-bacterial hand gel to clean their hands and then thoroughly wash their hands on return to nursery






  • dirty laundry must be stored in the red linen bag provided away from clean laundry

  • dirty laundry should be transferred to the kitchen AND NEVER DURING FOOD PREPARATION

  • wash and dry hands after handling dirty laundry

  • when dealing with fabrics soiled with solid material such as vomit, flush the solids into the toilet and use the pre-wash cycle on the machine

  • use disposable gloves when handling fabrics contaminated with body fluids

  • fabrics contaminated with body fluids must be placed in a plastic bag before being transferred to the kitchen

  • fabrics contaminated with body fluids must be machine washed at minimum of 40°




Tooth brushing:


  • children are provided with their own toothbrush when they start nursery and have their name on their brush and on the brush bus.

  • this should be stored upright in the Brush Bus, one toothbrush to each hole, with the lid on

  • the Brush Bus should be cleaned out using hot, soapy water once a week and allowed to dry

  • staff should wear gloves when cleaning the brush bus

  • children should never share a brush and each child’s brush should be replaced regularly, in particular the child’s brush should be replaced following an infection of the mouth, e.g. thrush and if bristles are splayed.

  • if a brush falls on the floor – replace it

  • to prevent cross-contamination ensure that toothpaste is distributed to children a clean paper towel

  • children and staff must wash their hands prior to taking part in a cooking/baking activity

  • the table top or other surface should be cleaned with soapy water before use;

  • the children should be supervised and discouraged from sneezing or coughing over the activity

  • Children or staff returning from some periods of illness may not be able to bake -please see the Nursery Manager for more information.

  • Good hygiene practices should be encouraged throughout the activity, e.g. washing your hands after sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose.




Food preparation and handling:


  • wash hands thoroughly prior to handling food

  • areas where food is to be placed should be kept clear and wiped down with soapy water prior to food being placed on them

  • chopping boards should be washed in the dishwasher after use and replaced frequently

  • all staff handling food must ensure that they are following personal hygiene procedures as above

  • aprons and gloves must be worn, hands washed thoroughly when handling and distributing food.

  • staff are encouraged to eat & socialise at meal times – water may be drunk freely and available at all time

  • any member of staff returning to work after a period of ill health may need to avoid preparing and serving food – this should be discussed with the Nursery Manager as appropriate.




Dummies and bottles:


  • Dummies should be stored in a covered container with the child’s name on when not in use

  • Parents must be encouraged to hand in milk powder and the bottle to be made when required.

  • Parents must be encouraged to hand in made up ready made up milk bottles so they can be stored in the milk fridge straight away – ensure they are named and if heated should be labelled with time correct to bottle making procedures.

  • used bottles should be rinsed and put in child’s box or bag

  • if a dummy or bottle falls on the floor or is picked up by another child, it should be cleaned immediately and sterilised where necessary

  • all dummies and bottles must be taken home at the end of the day, unless a parent request, it can be kept in its box (Baby area only)




Raising children’s awareness of good hygiene practices (appropriate to their age and developmental stage) – staff should:


  • be a good role model

  • demonstrate and stress the importance of proper hand washing – remember to use the ‘hand wash song’

  • ensure that the children know about the importance of cleaning teeth

  • ensure that the children know about the importance of using a tissue to ‘catch’ sneezes

  • ensure that the children know how to put a tissue safely in the bin

  • ensure that the children know how infection can be spread through coughing and sneezing




Raising parents’ awareness of good hygiene practices – staff should:


  • let parents know what you are doing to raise awareness of good hygiene practices, e.g. through the newsletter

  • encourage parents to participate at home also

  • remind parents of the rules if necessary:

  • prams not to be brought into the hall but left in front main areas

  • ill children not to be brought into nursery – exclusion periods apply




Cleaning during an outbreak of illness and when contaminated:


  • Toys contaminated with body fluids such as saliva and nasal discharge must be washed in hot soapy water

  • Remember to wash and dry your hands after handling contaminated toys and chairs,

  • All contact surfaces such as door handles, light switches, chairs and equipment, must be wiped with disinfected spray

  • Cleaning routines followed through vigorously, using disinfectant and all areas cleaned to prevent spread.

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